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Well, if you do any research into how these people operate, I mean any real research, research not prepared by them or the by the state or Federal governments, you’ll find out what’s really going on, what this whole thing is about. It’s certainly not about kids. It’s all about money and jobs.

Think about it. In my state, the DCF budget is pretty close to 1.2 billion dollars. That’s just for DCF as an agency. It doesn’t talk to anything coming from the Feds or any of the other agencies and contract people they utilize.

That’s a whole game unto itself. And that’s another story.

So apart from the agency, DCF and its workers, there’s all the government lawyers involved, the judges and juvenile courts and all their people, which range from court clerks to police. There’s the police and district attorneys and probation department people, and on and on.

Then there’s the doctors, social work agencies, dentists, specialists, psychological people and their agencies, and their experts, and on and on.

Then there’s the drivers and transportation agencies and all their workers and people, and on and on.

And on and on and on.

That’s how it works if you really look into it. DCF sits atop this big, multi-billion dollar empire like a god. DCF determines who gets contracts, which very often means who stays in business and who doesn’t. It can make or break agencies, even whole networks of agencies depending upon whether or not the people they utilize cooperate with what they want.

Cross them and you’re screwed. That’s how it is.

They can determine things you might never think of. For example, maybe some cops don’t like what they’re doing. Well then they find the cops who will do what they want for money. They can promise a cop a certain amount of overtime a month simply by choosing when to make a removal, what time of day. So twenty minutes before the shift ends, they call for the cops and make the removal so the cop assisting gets the overtime.

It’s a game to them. It’s a Darwin thing, you know, survival of them as an agency. And that’s how they play it. First and foremost is their survival as an agency and keeping their budget, ever expanding it, and their power, which of course is their budget.

That their priority is supposed to be helping kids who need help and families who need help and support, well… f—that.

Think I’m kidding? I’m not kidding at all. Think I’m crazy? That’s exactly what they want you to think. They want you to think I’m a bad parent, that I’ve done something wrong, that I’ve abused my kids.

Well I didn’t do anything wrong. In my whole life I’ve never hurt a fly let alone a person, especially and particularly my children who I so adore and for whom I’m spending my whole life’s everything to get them back. I’ve never done anything but give them the best of everything including the best of me. I’ve never hit them, hurt them, abused them or neglected them.

DCF doesn’t give a shit.

DCF just wants the money. Each of my children is worth about six thousand dollars a month to them. Their total payout for my kids is only about a thousand each, maybe a little less. That’s ten grand a month they’re making on my kids alone.

Here’s the facts. Less than one in four kids actually needs to be removed from a home. Less than one in four kids they remove are in actual physical danger or are being sexually or emotionally abused. More than three in four kids are removed just because DCF needs kids for the money. And the basis for the removals is an arbitrary standard they call neglect, a big blanket thing no one can actually see, feel or define.

Pick up a copy of  all my works here:  By Peter Weiss